If we have an outdoor longtoss program this year, it will be for one month only, and during July or August 2025. Be sure to join our mailing list to get updates regarding our outdoor 2025 longtoss programming. Our indoor program looks to remain the same for Nov and Dec.
NOVEMBER 2025 – Registration TBD
Cost $475
12 sessions
Indoor Venue with Trackman
$475.00Add To Cart
DECEMBER 2025 – Registration TBD
Cost $475
12 sessions
Indoor Venue with Trackman
$475.00Add To Cart
Sessions are not pro-rated for any misses due to baseball games, practices, traveling, or vacation. There are no makeup sessions. The amount of sessions may vary between 11-13 sessions / month depending on holidays & calendar structure. Longtoss programming is safe to participate in during baseball season & off-season. In season, we take a unique approach to game schedules, pitching schedules, and how often our trainees are throwing outside of our program. This is all part of the process. J-bands are no longer given to players for joining the program, however will be provided to them for each session they attend. Should they wish to purchase a J-band, they will be available for purchase separate of the program cost.
Longtoss Venues:
5431 Yukon Court
Suite C
Frederick, MD 21703
Outdoor field – 330’X 200′ (Spring-Fall)
Indoor facility – (Winter) We use Trackman tech to track & record ball flight, distance, & velocity in our tunnel. (note registration cost adjustments)
OUTDOOR VENUE – Each session players will be REQUIRED to have:
Dress attire for longtoss is whatever a player is comfortable in. Most are wearing shorts and a T-shirt. If a player does not have all 5 of the required items I will not allow them to longtoss that day. WE WILL SEND THEM HOME AND THE SESSION IS FORFEITED. A part of this program is accountability, responsibility, and consequences of lack thereof. We expect players to come ready to get their work in and to take this as serious as we do. This will be a fun, positive, and most importantly, PRODUCTIVE environment. Players will get out of this what they put into this.
Velocity / Arm Grade Assessments:
Velocity / measuring assessment will take place during our first & final session using our Trackman or Stalker radar display which is the same technology that powers all of MLB statcast data & MLB on-field radar display. It is important that you are at the first & final session to be accurately assessed. We will record 5 throws from a crow hop at 60 feet INSIDE of our facility. We will average session 1 and 12, as well as record the top speed during both sessions. These results will be posted as a report at the conclusion of the program. Below you will see our results as a whole over 5 years worth of programs.
2018 Summer Program – average increase of +3.25mph across 22 players
2019 Summer program – average increase of +4mph across 26 players
2019 Fall program in Frederick & Emmitsburg – avg increase +3mph across 33 player
2020 Summer program in Frederick – avg increase of +2.32mph with 19 players
2021 Summer program in Frederick – avg increase of +2.32mph with 18 players
2021 Winter program PBP facility – avg increase of +3.81mph with 7 players
2022 July program in Frederick – avg increase of +2mph with 10 players
2022 August program in Frederick – avg increase of +2.3mph with 8 players
2023 – present – average increases are steady in-between the 2-3mph range over a 4 week period.
Total trainees: 172
Average increase: +2.74mph
Stipulations and Design (#7 VERY IMPORTANT):
- Our program is designed to help players establish pre-throwing routines, dynamic warmups, quality stretching habits, and ways to prepare for throwing at high rates of effort, over consistent amount of time / days.
- Our design clearly identifies field distance, which gives us quality feedback session to session in terms of our progress, as well as our plan for each day. Flags are marked at 90′, 150′, 200′, and 300′.
- Our program is designed to help players understand that to throw the ball with higher rates of force, more exertion is required to increase arm speed, and that distance helps aid / constrain that task.
- Our program is designed to push players to their limits (while helping them understand their limits) in terms of effort ceilings and what they are physically capable of producing in terms of output.
- Our program is designed to help players understand distance (calculating in their own minds where they are on the field in relation to their progress. Footage markers will be present at every single session for them to see if they can progress further and further. This is a tool they can take with them when the program concludes)
- Our program is designed to help players find freedom in their own individual movements to achieve the goal.
- Our program is physically challenging. Many parts of the body will be used to exert force on the baseball. While longtoss is a tool we use to clean up parts of the throwing motion, and can indirectly do so, this program is NOT designed to correct throwing inefficiencies, and will present opportunities for our staff to determine during the program, what the exact needs of a player may be. Quality pitching / throwing instruction is available at Pease Baseball Professionals.
- PBP COACHES RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SEND A PLAYER HOME DUE TO ARM SORENESS DEEMED DETRIMENTAL TO THE PROGRESS OF THE PLAYER ON THAT DAY (SESSION COSTS ARE NOT PRORATED IF THIS OCCURS, AS THIS IS A PART OF THE PROGRAM FOR TRAINEES). If a player exhibits pain or soreness during the program at any session, helping players understand what soreness is good and bad is part of the program (Learning about our arms, soreness). Not all pain or soreness is created equal, and it’s important to help players understand when it’s ok to push through, and when it’s time to call it quits for the day, or when possible injury is occuring or imminent. This does not mean they have been injured indefinitely or have a throwing flaw (soreness is part of building arm strength, similar to lifting). Our staff will assess each case individually and act accordingly. There have been influxes of growth plate cases with younger throwing athletes. As a staff, we will do our best to acknowledge when it may be best to have players examined by orthopedics if we sense any consistency in soreness that becomes a concern in certain areas of the arm. Parents, should there be a concern on our part, we will be directly communicating and collaborating with you in relation with our performance coach, as well as our official partners at Rehab 2 Perform to keep the players health as a top priority.
- This will be a fun and positive environment that will also involve leadership, teamwork, and problem solving skills among individuals.

“For any player looking to develop proper routines for Arm Health, Arm Strength/Speed and Long Toss, I’d highly recommend Dustin’s longtoss programming. Dustin is full of passion and determination — he cares so much about his craft — and for any player lucky enough to be around Dustin, they are not only getting some great insight into how to optimize their ability as a Pitcher, and learn about such important training principles as Arm Care and Long Toss, but to be around someone who truly cares abut making a difference”
Alan Jaeger – Founder Jaeger Sports
Since 1991 Jaeger Sports has made a strong commitment to provide the best information possible for aspiring athletes to optimize their careers via three major principles: Mental Training, Arm Care/Injury Prevention and Throwing Development/Long Toss.